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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Health Care Equity and Language Access in Indigenous Populations

A webinar

Event description

Navigating the American medical system is, to say the least, a headache – and that’s if you speak English! Now imagine having to do it in Spanish when that’s not your first language. California is home to a growing population of Mexican and Central American immigrants whose first language is not Spanish. In this webinar, we will focus on the most commonly spoken Indigenous languages in the Bay Area, how they differ from Spanish, and why they cannot be called “dialects”. We will also look at the major cultural barriers that these immigrant populations face in navigating the American health care system. Translators and interpreters, whether they work in the medical field or not, serve as a bridge between languages and cultures. The reality of Indigenous language speakers is often misunderstood and worth learning more about.

You will learn how to:

  • Identify the main Mexican indigenous languages spoken in California
  • Understand the major challenges faced by indigenous groups in the United States
  • Educate health care providers and other stakeholders about the importance of using indigenous language professionals whenever possible.

Practical Information

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

