Research articles and journals on public service interpreting
FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ) is a multilingual peer reviewed free access online journal dedicated to disseminate high quality and original scientific papers on related research and teaching especially, though not exclusively, to Translation and Interpreting (T&I), Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) and Intercultural Communication.
International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication: Special issue on community interpreting - Summary in English
Ferrarella L. (2019), Milano, il processo Eni-Shell e il paradosso degli interpreti inadeguati, Corriere della Sera. The professional interpreter does not show up and the unqualified interpreter provided by the Court gives up soon.
Interpreting or other forms of language support? Experiences and decision-making among response and community police officers in Scotland - This study engages in research of interpreting as a socially-situated practice and explores two main foci: police officers’ experiences of interpreting and the factors shaping decision-making regarding the means of language support they use to communicate with non-native speakers of English.
FITISPos International Journal: The Human Factor in PSIT - Carmen Valero-Garcés and Elena Alcalde Peñalver (University of Alcalá)
Beyond aid: Sustainable responses to meeting language communication needs in humanitarian contexts - This article navigates the complexity of the humanitarian system, the potential of the humanitarian-development nexus, and the commitments of the World Humanitarian Summit of 2016 as a backdrop to designing sustainable interpreter training programmes. It argues that these programmes must be locally designed to respond to real needs and developed and implemented by local actors living and working in the contexts where building trained interpreter capacity is essential to the success of the humanitarian agenda.
Organized by the ITI's Interpreters' Development Network. Speaker is Mrs. Danielle D'Hayer, associate professor in interpreting studies at the London Metropolitan University.
Video channel on Interpreter Mediated Communication in healthcare.