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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Thematic knowledge

Gain expertise and share knowledge

Interpreters deal with a wide range of complex subjects every day and are required to understand and convey simultaneously and in detail very specific notions with accurate terms in their language. For this reason they need tailor-made support that will help them become familiar not only with the general context but also with the specificities of a topic that may be only a precise part of a vast policy area currently under discussion at the different Institutions and bodies.

The thematic courses focus on these specificities and address priority topics from the interpreters' point of view.

The general offer on law, economics and finance builds the foundation of knowledge and understanding in these domains. In addition, courses and seminars are organised on topical issues linked to the EU priorities, e.g. the Leaders' Agenda, institutional priorities, the Commission's Work Programmes.

Some of the courses can be planned in advance. However, various courses and presentations are added during the year to satisfy the needs which arise during the year as the different initiatives become topical and require background information.

There are in principle two types of courses on offer:

Thematic courses with external experts as trainers

In this category, the courses covering e.g. general introduction to law, economy and finance, constitute an in-depth analysis of the basics and are indispensable for the majority of interpreters who have a linguistic background.

On the other hand, the more specialised thematic seminars are carefully prepared and delivered by experts on the basis of service needs. Examples of such courses are the very technical courses on Taxation and Banking Supervision based on the priorities of the trio of EU Presidencies.

Knowledge sharing

Commission and Council experts and staff of permanent representations share their knowledge with DG Interpretation interpreters. There are also some staff interpreters with specialist knowledge that can share their expertise with their colleagues.

These presentations are on specific Commission and Council priorities and legislative proposals, and are often in English, French or German or in the experts’ native language. The knowledge sharing events are an excellent opportunity for interpreters to co-operate closely with interpretation users.