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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Translating Europe workshop 2023

Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy

Event description

The project ‘DataLitMT: Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy’ provides learning resources for teaching relevant components of data literacy in their translation-specific form of professional machine translation literacy to BA and MA students in translation and specialised communication programmes.

These learning resources will be available as open-source resources and are welcome to be referred to or included in relevant study programmes, or worked with in individual scenarios. In our workshop, the topic of data literacy in the context of machine translation literacy will first be theoretically outlined, followed by practical sessions led by the project coordinators, in which they will guide participants through a selected example of these learning resources.

The project coordinators will show how these learning resources are structured and how they can be followed. Participants will be able to actively work through the provided learning resources and ask the project coordinators questions.

Practical Information

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

