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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Ukrainian language resources in one place

Community of practice


Disclaimer: The community space is open for anybody for consultation. The contribution/editing of blog post requires login. The administrators are not taking responsibility for the quality of contribution.

In the scope of EU solidarity with Ukraine this community will collect, combine and enrich linguistic resources in Ukrainian and other European languages.

A linguistic resource can be a document, a brochure, a book, a series of books and similar.

The focus of the community will be on the following types of linguistic resources:

  • Bilingual resources in Ukrainian and other European languages eg. a brochure with pictograms in UA/EN, UA/FR etc.
  • Relevant resources covering similar content and available both in UA and in one or more other European languages, or resources already translated from UA into one or more other European languages or vice versa, eg. Books on the same subject that are available both in UA and one or more European languages
  • Adding vocabularies, glossaries, official terms and other useful linguistic resources in Ukrainian.
  • Resources in UA or other European languages that would be particularly worth translating for the purposes of this community

The community is invited to contribute in the following ways:

  • Share available resources in this space by creating a blog post for each linguistic resource
  • Provide translations to/from other European languages of already available resources, eg. for resources only in UA/EN the community can add UA/FR version
  • Promoting the community to relevant stakeholders and interested users


A great multilingual corpus of EU acts with Ukrainian translations can be found on the website of the European Language Resource Coordination. It contains 24 language pairs and boasts of more than 3 million translation units.


A practical bilingual pictogram booklet, aimed to help Ukrainian children (and adults) and people in the host country to communicate.

The booklet is available in a digital format, in all 24 official EU languages.

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A practical bilingual pictogram booklet, aimed to help Ukrainian children (and adults) and people in the host country to communicate.

The booklet is available in a digital format, in all 24 official EU languages.

You can contribute to this project by extending the booklet with new topics/content, additional features (e.g. transliteration of pronunciation) or languages.

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