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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

8th International Conference on Public Services Interpreting and Translation (PSIT8)

PSIT in Transition

Event description

The 21st century seems set to transform the world. The COVID 19 pandemic, the outbreak of armed conflicts, the climate change threat or the different population movements have brought about health, educational, social, economic, and environmental consequences. Countries are trying to cope not only at institutional level, but also with civil and private initiatives and proposals, with varying degrees of success. Sometimes these are long-term measures (see the UN’s 2030 Agenda). Other times, they are immediate and improvised actions, marked by a sense of change, fragility and vulnerability for people and countries, and by the realisation that neither are self-sufficient. In fact, they are completely interdependent.

To talk about these societies in transition is to talk about PSIT.

With these premises as a context, the 8th International Conference on Public Services Interpreting and Translation (PSIT8), PSIT in Transition, will be held at the University of Alcalá (Madrid) from 22nd March until 24th March 2023. The main objective of this eighth edition is to continue exchanging thoughts, projects, and experiences about PSIT in the line of previous meetings. T&I professionals, researchers, educational authorities, and institutions, both public and private, language service providers or anyone interested in making our world more sustainable are invited to participate.

We welcome proposals that focus their research on PSIT and that help to answer some of the many questions that the highway to PSIT recognition and professionalisation can offer us.

Practical Information

Wednesday, 22 March to Friday, 24 March 2023

