About me
Carmen Valero-Garcés, MA, PhD, Professor of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain. She is the co-director of the MA in Intercultural Communication and Public Service Interpreting and Translation, and the Director of the MA in Conference Interpreting (MICONE). She also coordinate the Research Group FITISPos (https://fitisposgrupo.web.uah.es/), a group dedicated to the study of the quality of communication in multilingual societies. She has been the former editor of the online multilingual interdisciplinary double-blind peer review FITISPos International Journal (https://fitisposij.web.uah.es/), coordinator of the association AFIPTISP ( https://www.afiptisp.org/), and vice-president of ENPSIT (European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation) till 2019. Contact: carmen.valero@uah.es