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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Mapping PSI

This community aims at mapping PSI under five main categories: Regulations and policies - Training and education - Competences - Profession and practice – Research


Welcome to the PSI Mapping community. Our members are jointly putting together the jigsaw puzzle of the Public Service Interpreting playing field in the European Union and beyond.

Why is this necessary and what is in it for me? Stakeholder consultation carried out by DG Interpretation has made clear that the professionalization of PSI services varies strongly between and within Member States. Mapping the various PSI contexts will more easily allow for an exchange of good practices, thus increasing the overall quality level of PSI in the European Union. Moreover, bringing this knowledge together on the KCI platform will make it more readily usable for policy makers.

Maturity of the community. Our community has been around since April 2019 and is still in its consolidation phase. We strongly believe that an online community thrives best if members also meet regularly in real life. Therefore, we have so far had seven real-life/hybrid editathons, where PSI professionals from across the globe came together to discuss the way forward and jointly propose content.

In 2022 we have consolidated the core team of front-runners by appointing two editors for each of the five main mapping topics. A community will only reach full maturity with a number of core members, who can obviously rotate. In 2023, we have so far welcomed three new editors. We are much looking forward to working with them!

Our objectives for 2023:

  • Increase the geographical coverage of our members by reaching out to new members, especially in countries not yet represented in the community.
  • Gather ideas on how to best represent PSI on the static pages of the KCI. The current version is not cast in stone.
  • Behind the scenes: Improve the functionalities of the KCI, such as presentation of the blog posts and general user friendliness.






Mission Statement

This section aims at providing an overview of existing regulations (including company protocols, codes of conduct, guidelines, etc.) and policies for PSI in the face-to-face and remote interpreting modes, in different settings, and at different levels (supranational, national, local). Furthermore, the section tries to collect best practice examples and point out ways forward in formulating policies and regulations.

Publication - Translation and Migration

Translation und Migration. Dolmetschen als gesellschaftspolitische Aufgabe (Translation and migration. Interpreting as a sociopolitical task). This volume, edited by Nadja Grbic and Michaela Wolf, includes contributions (all written in German) on a variety of PSI-related topics and areas such as (volunteer) interpreting for refugees, discourses on flight, migration and community interpreting, as well as interpreting in judicial, police or asylum settings. All contributions were written by graduates of the Department of Translation Studies, University of Graz (Austria).

The national certification of community interpreters in Slovenia

In this post on the blog of the European Master's in Translation (EMT) network, Tamara Mikolič Južnič and Nike K. Pokorn from the University of Ljubljana elaborate on the occupational standards and vocational qualifications for the national certification of the profession of community interpreter in Slovenia and its commonalities and differences with the profession of so-called 'intercultural mediators'.




Mission Statement

This section seeks to compile information and evidence-based research on: • Competence models of PSI matched with education levels across countries • Competence development in PSI • Training methods in PSI and their effect (role play, interprofessional training, virtual worlds,…) • Innovative initiatives in PSI training and their effect • Online training modules • Training of stakeholders to work with PSI providers

PSI featured on the BBC

PSI is also present in the media. Here are two interesting resources that you can enjoy on the BBC: 1. A BBC programme that features a PSI at work. It highlights a number of issues such as support and emotional impact of interpreting on the interpreter. 2. An older BBC sound that portrays interpreters in PSI but also in football. Here you can find great information about the national register for PSI and the union for PSIT (NUPIT). You will have to create an account to listen to it.

Austria: New platform for Dialogue Interpreting

The Platform for Dialogue Interpreting (Plattform Dialogdolmetschen) is a network of the three Austrian university institutions offering translation and interpreting programmes (University of Graz, University of Innsbruck, University of Vienna) as well as non-university institutions in Austria that deal with various topics of dialogue interpreting in research, teaching and professional practice. Among other things, the website contains an overview of the training and further education courses offered in Austria in the past and at present.




Mission Statement

This section provides information about community interpreting competence Generally spoken, competence can be defined as a set of skills needed for high performance in a certain field (Sternberg, 2005). Previously, models for mapping interpreter competence in interpreting studies were predominantly focused on conference interpreting. Since the widespread emergence of community interpreting (CI) in practice and research, attention has shifted to mapping competence that responds to the specific needs of CI. The identification of CI skills or competencies is of major importance to the education, standardization and certification of community interpreters. Sternberg, R. J. (2005). Intelligence, competence, and expertise. In A. J. Elliot & C. S. Dweck (Eds.) Handbook of Competence and Motivation (pp. 15–30). Guilford Press.

Training for public service officers

An example of local good practice in Belgium.

The impact of context in Community Interpreting

Please check out the latest volume of Linguistica Antverpiensia - New Series in Translation studies: “The impact of context on community interpreting research, practice & training”. This open-access collection of papers discusses the impact of various contexts on community interpreting and highlights under-researched areas, such as interpreting for refugees and other vulnerable groups, sensitive contexts and other possible socially and emotionally challenging settings. Many of its contributions result from papers presented at the 2019 In Dialog 3 conference (hosted by the University of Antwerp, KU Leuven Antwerp & ENPSIT).


Competences - a Chinese perspective

Interpreter training has developed in different ways within Europe (and around the world). However, there is no standardised framework for measuring interpreting competence. This article presents a research project based in China conducted to design, develop, and validate the interpreting competence, based on the China Standards of English (CSE), which are the Chinese counterpart to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Descriptors were proposed on aspects like (a) interpreting training syllabuses, curricular frameworks, rating scales, and professional codes of conduct; (b) previous literature on interpreting performance assessment, competence development, and interpreter training and education; and (c) exemplar-generation data on assessing interpreting competence and typical interpreting activities. Read PDF.



Mission Statement

The goal of this section is to cover the most practical aspects of Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT). It includes information about the professions, such as standards of practice, codes of ethics, organizations that provide PSIT services, and professional associations.


Your voice counts!

As interpreter's our voice matters, in more than one way. The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) and the International Federation of Translators (FIT) launched the 'Open Letters' Project in 2012 to help protect interpreters and translators all over the world. How? By using your voice to advocate on behalf of embattled linguists. You can do so by sending letters of appeal to relevant authorities, speaking up on behalf of unjustly persecuted, prosecuted, and imprisoned translators and interpreters all around the world. Growing voices The initiative garnered strength as the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) joined in 2013, followed by Critical Link International (CLI) and the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) in 2015, and more recently, the Conférence Internationale Permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes (CIUTI). European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation (ENPSIT) is also a permanent signatory organization in support of the initiative. Will you raise your voice? Red T, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of translators and interpreters in high-risk settings, invites you to join the growing voices by raising your own. You can do so by writing a letter of your own. In need of inspiration? More information and examples of open letters can be found here.

ENPSIT - The European Network for Public Service Interpreting

The European Network for Public Service Interpreting (ENPSIT) was founded in October 2013 in Brussels. The initiator of ENPSIT was the former Kruispunt Migratie-Integratie (Junction Migration-Integration) now Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering (Flemish Agency for Integration). On April 2 2014, its members converted the informal network into a formal organization. ENPSIT is working towards a European policy and funding for public service interpreting and translation. You can find more about ENPSIT here.


Codes of conduct and interpretation

A journey into the various aspects of codes of conduct in interpretation. Written in Italian by Prof. Maurizio Viezzi, University of Trieste, former president of CIUTI. Reference: Viezzi, Maurizio (2021) "Codici deontologici e interpretazione: spunti di riflessione in materia di etica professionale", Lingua, Traduzione, Letteratura 5, 157-205.

Mission Statement

The aim of this chapter on public service interpreting and translation (PSIT) is to provide researchers and other stakeholders with relevant information about research-related topics in this field. Information concerns key publications, research projects, research groups, funding opportunities and conferences.


In 2022 the European project MHEALTH4ALL will start: Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe, funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, DG HOME, European Commission (AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-02) and led by the University of Amsterdam (Dr. Barbara Schouten). Here you can find the summary of the project.

PSI conferences in the run-up to June 2022

Here you will find a list of upcoming PSI conferences.




The content on this page is updated on a regular basis. Do you wish to contribute? Please leave a comment below and send us a link and a short description.



Dear Community!

It is a pleasure to announce that in the course of 2021 we have consolidated the core team of front-runners of the Community by appointing two editors for each of the five main mapping...

Dear Community!

It is a pleasure to announce that in the course of 2021 we have consolidated the core team of front-runners of the Community by appointing two editors for each of the five main mapping topics.

A first visible result of this is the above updated content. We hope you will enjoy it and may find it useful.

Please do not hesitate to send in contributions if there is something you wish to share.

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Dear PSI Community,

A new journal in interpreting studies is out, founded and edited by Julie Boéri (HBKU Qatar) & Wen Ren (BFSU China): Interpreting and Society. More information on aims and scope and on...

Dear PSI Community,

A new journal in interpreting studies is out, founded and edited by Julie Boéri (HBKU Qatar) & Wen Ren (BFSU China): Interpreting and Society. More information on aims and scope and on the submission process can be found here:….

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Dear PSI members!I'm pleased to share a call for papers for the issue 26 of The Interpreters' Newsletter on dialogue interpreting (bilingual English/French, to be published in 2021): The main objective is to feed the...

Dear PSI members!I'm pleased to share a call for papers for the issue 26 of The Interpreters' Newsletter on dialogue interpreting (bilingual English/French, to be published in 2021): The main objective is to feed the discussion on various innovative methodological approaches which can shed light on practices and phenomena that have so far received scant attention in the DI/PSI literature, and/or which have never reached the interpreting classroom yet. I hope that you will have the opportunity to submit a paper and/or to kindly circulate this call among your colleagues who may be interested. And I seize this opportunity to thank the organizers of InDialog3, since the panel I've coordinated in Antwerp was a first opportunity to meet colleagues and share ideas about research methods in DI/PSI. Unfortunately we didn't manage to join forces and submit anything as a group when Esther de Boe announced her call for papers last February, as we were all living particularly hard times due to the pandemic. But the CfP I'm sharing today would not exist without InDialog3, so hartfelt thanks to the organizers of that great conference!Wishing you all the best, Natacha Niemants (and Anne Delizée)

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Thank you, Natacha & Anne, for editing and publishing the latest Interpreter's Newsletter (#26)! For every one interested in reading the articles (all on PSI), I paste the link here:


Dear Colleagues,

I just wanted to let you know that the deadline for submitting a paper for The Interpreters' Newsletter 26 on dialogue interpreting is extended until 15 March 2021.

Thank you for circulating this...

Dear Colleagues,

I just wanted to let you know that the deadline for submitting a paper for The Interpreters' Newsletter 26 on dialogue interpreting is extended until 15 March 2021.

Thank you for circulating this message among colleagues who showed interest in this bilingual issue, to be published by 2021.

Kind regards,Natacha Niemants (and Anne Delizée)

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Thank you, Natacha and Anne, this looks like a very interesting opportunity!

Best wishes, Esther


Dear PSI Mapping community members!

It is our great pleasure to present to you the first group of team leaders of our community. These experienced professionals in the field of Public Service Interpreting and Translation will...

Dear PSI Mapping community members!

It is our great pleasure to present to you the first group of team leaders of our community. These experienced professionals in the field of Public Service Interpreting and Translation will support us in managing the various mapping strands.

Prof. Dr. Hildegard Vermeiren of the Ghent University will be focusing on Regulations and policies.

Prof. Danielle D'Hayer of the London Metropolitan University will be streamlining input on Training and Education.

Mrs. Nailah Fernando, researcher and PSI Trainer at the Flemish Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering (Agency for civic integration) will be your contact for Profession and Practice.

Dr. Barbara Schouten of the University of Amsterdam will be managing the Research strand.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new team leaders and encourage members of the PSI Mapping community to get in touch with them to become part of the teams and contribute with contents!

We are still looking for a suitable candidate to take on the Competences strand. Suggestions are welcome!

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Dear all,

It is a genuine pleasure to announce that Mrs. Esther de Boe, junior lecturer at the University of Antwerp, will take on the role of team leader for Competences. This means the...

Dear all,

It is a genuine pleasure to announce that Mrs. Esther de Boe, junior lecturer at the University of Antwerp, will take on the role of team leader for Competences. This means the team is now complete. Thank you, Esther, and welcome to the team!

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We would like to share the information about the 3 free MOOCs we offer:

  • "¡Iníciate en la traducción e interpretación en los Servicios Públicos!”
  • "Get your start in PSIT"
  • 让我们共同开启公共服务事业的口笔译吧("Get Your Start in Public...

We would like to share the information about the 3 free MOOCs we offer:

  • "¡Iníciate en la traducción e interpretación en los Servicios Públicos!”
  • "Get your start in PSIT"
  • 让我们共同开启公共服务事业的口笔译吧("Get Your Start in Public Service Interpreting and Translation!")

The MOOCs are composed of three specific modules which focus on aspects as intercultural communication, mediation, roles that take part in it, documentation resources and PSIT professionalisation. This content is developed through theoretical videos, individual reflection and self-assessment activities, exercises which make use of social networks, and debate forums where users can express and share their opinion.

Signing in the courses is simple and free: just register to access the MOOC.

Access these courses by clicking on the following links:

We appreciate your interest in the MOOCs and hope you make the most of them.

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Dear colleagues,

Following the successful In Dialog 3 conference, we are happy to announce our call for papers on the same subject:

"Interpreter Research and Training - The Impact of Context", Linguistica Antverpiensia - New Series...

Dear colleagues,

Following the successful In Dialog 3 conference, we are happy to announce our call for papers on the same subject:

"Interpreter Research and Training - The Impact of Context", Linguistica Antverpiensia - New Series - Themes in Transaltion Studies vol. 20

For further information, please follow the link below:

On behalf of the guest editors,

Esther de Boe

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Dear all

Here is a brief update on today's joint edit-a-thon, organised by ENPSIT and DG Interpretation.

It has been a productive and inspiring afternoon. Edit-a-thons seem to be a fruitful opportunity for an exchange of...

Dear all

Here is a brief update on today's joint edit-a-thon, organised by ENPSIT and DG Interpretation.

It has been a productive and inspiring afternoon. Edit-a-thons seem to be a fruitful opportunity for an exchange of views amongst PSIT professionals from across Europe. We would like to thank all participants for their presence and valuable contributions.

We have worked in 3 groups, each focusing on one of the following themes:

1. Research

2. Training, Education, Competences

3. Regulation, Practice

Quite some content has been prepared and will soon be uploaded to this community for further peer discussion and contributions. With a view to taking these 3 files to a next level and ultimately publication on the static part of the KCI, each team will now propose a lead to manage further mapping activity.

We have also agreed to scan our respective networks and see if we know other professionals who may be proposed to join the PSI Mapping community. So stay tuned!

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Thank you Remco for this update!

Looking forward to reading your fruiful exchanges, all the very best to all of you



Dear members of the PSI Mapping Community

This is to inform you that the European Network of Public Service Interpreting (ENPSIT) and DG SCIC are organising edition number 2 of our PSI Mapping edit-a-thon. It...

Dear members of the PSI Mapping Community

This is to inform you that the European Network of Public Service Interpreting (ENPSIT) and DG SCIC are organising edition number 2 of our PSI Mapping edit-a-thon. It will take place in Antwerp, on 20 November from 14h00 to 17h00, prior to the InDialog3 conference on 21 and 22 November.

To those of you who will be joining: we are looking forward to seeing you there. Should you not be in a position to join, please feel free to join the edit-a-thon online, by keeping an eye on the blog posts.

We have uploaded the agenda under the files section, so you can already take a look there. Under the same section, you will find a draft for a PSI Survey that SCIC is planning to launch. Please be informed that this is only a first draft and that the contribution of experts will be needed to make the survey a succes. Therefore, one of the points on the agenda during the edit-a-thon will be a first introduction of the survey.

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Hi Remco,

I will join the event as a representative of one of the host universities of In Dialog 3 (University of Antwerp).

Looking forward to see/meet you all on Wednesday!

Best wishes,



Dear colleagues,

are we meeting in Antwerp for a Edit a Thon session?

Many thanks.



Dear Danielle and dear Colleagues

Unfortnately I will not be able to be with you in Antwerp. I'm sure it will we a special opportunity to catch up with all the PSI developments and continue to...

Dear Danielle and dear Colleagues

Unfortnately I will not be able to be with you in Antwerp. I'm sure it will we a special opportunity to catch up with all the PSI developments and continue to strenghen this community.

All the very best to all of you!


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Dear colleagues,

are we meeting in Antwerp for a Edit a Thon session?

Many thanks.





Profession and practice




Training and education


Public service interpreting in Sweden is offered at folk high schools (a type of post-secondary education popular in Northern Europe read more on Wikipedia and at Stockholm university. Folk high schools courses are typically four-months-long...

Public service interpreting in Sweden is offered at folk high schools (a type of post-secondary education popular in Northern Europe read more on Wikipedia and at Stockholm university. Folk high schools courses are typically four-months-long courses (often given on half- or quarter time over a year or two). They cover theory and terminology on topics common in public service interpreting (social services, employment market, medicine and law). They are monitored by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education, you can read more about that training there: There is also a course at BA-level at Stockholm University ( The course is two semesters long and also covers terminology on theory on the common topics (see above). The course also has a focus on practical exercises and theory of interpreting. Interpreters with a certificate from a state-monitored education can register as trained interpreters at the Swedish Agency for Authorizations of Interpreters

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Finding resources is difficult for PSI. This channel Interpreter Mediated Communication offers video that can be used for CPD, training sessions etc:


Here is the list of PSI courses that appear on the National Register of Public Service Interpreters:



Regulations and policy


Dear All

I'm posting this important initiative taken by the Dutch colleagues and appeared on the KCI also into our Community because it is so relevant to us and a source of inspiration indeed, given the...

Dear All

I'm posting this important initiative taken by the Dutch colleagues and appeared on the KCI also into our Community because it is so relevant to us and a source of inspiration indeed, given the appalling situation of Public Service (and legal in particular) interpreters in our countries. Let's see if something changes in the The Netherland that might drive a Europe-wide action supported also by all concerned (national and internation professional associations, representatives of international organizations working with interpreters etc.).…

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Dear All

I'm posting this important initiative taken by the Dutch colleagues and appeared on the KCI also into our Community because it is so relevant to us and a source of inspiration indeed, given the...

Dear All

I'm posting this important initiative taken by the Dutch colleagues and appeared on the KCI also into our Community because it is so relevant to us and a source of inspiration indeed, given the appalling situation of Public Service (and legal in particular) interpreters in our countries. Let's see if something changes in the The Netherland that might drive a Europe-wide action supported also by all concerned (national and internation professional associations, representatives of international organizations working with interpreters etc.).…

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Swedish government has recently published a public inquiry on the situation of public service interpreting. It has an English summary:…


Elisabet, I have published the study and the summary in English:… In the process I found a study of the University of Malmö that has the same title. Any idea if we should publish that...

Elisabet, I have published the study and the summary in English:… In the process I found a study of the University of Malmö that has the same title. Any idea if we should publish that too?…

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No, this is an MA-thesis from Malmö-university. Not bad but with a very small data-base (interviews of 7 nurses). /E


Turkey Currently very little in the way of regulation (and services). Over recent years a number of professional organisations and universities have been working on preparing professional standards and vocational criteria for different fields of Translation...

Turkey Currently very little in the way of regulation (and services). Over recent years a number of professional organisations and universities have been working on preparing professional standards and vocational criteria for different fields of Translation and Interpreting, including community interpreting. This will ultimately lead to the accreditation of translators and interpreters in various branches. Candidates will sit an exam that tests the key skills required for the profession.

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Dear Kate, thank you for this. Would you have links to the organisations and universities you mention?


Please help us to report cases of unqualified interpreting in any field: health, legal and public services in general


The NRPSI National Register of Public Service Interpreters publishes the decisions made by the Disciplinary board of the NRPSI when they pass a decision resulting from a complaint from end users about the NRPSI registrant.…


Dear Danielle, I have published a link to the NRPSI register and to your link about the decisions of the Disciplinary Board:…


News on the Italian national newspaper "Corrriere della sera"on January 17th 2018 "Processo ENI-SHELL, l'interprete non si presenta e la sostituta va subito k.o." ENI*-SHELL trial, the professional interpreter does not show up and the unqualified...

News on the Italian national newspaper "Corrriere della sera"on January 17th 2018 "Processo ENI-SHELL, l'interprete non si presenta e la sostituta va subito k.o." ENI*-SHELL trial, the professional interpreter does not show up and the unqualified interpreter provided by the Court gives up soon. *(Italian) National hydrocarbons agency…

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Dear Mariachiara, the article has been published. I saw your article is a quote of an other article and have published the original. Please let me know if you have any remarks:…


This is a link to an article by Alexander Bischoff on a study about the cost of not using interpreters in Swiss psychiatric care:



Handbook for interpreters in asylum procedures

Wiki docs

Showing results 1 of 1
Friday, 5 April 2019

1. Regulations and policies

2. Training and education

3. Competences

4. Profession and practice

ENPSIT (European Network of Public Service Interpreting and Translation):

5. Research

Healthcare interpreting

Angelelli, Claudia (key publications – references)

Flores, Glenn (key publications - references)

Jacobs, Elisabeth (key publications – references)

These references are extracted from BITRA, a general search tool for translation and interpreting bibliographical references (


TRICC (Training Intercultural and Bilingual Competencies in Health and Social Care)

RESTORE (Implementing Migrant Care Iniciatives, Beyond Language and Cultural Barriers


SOS-VICS (Speak out for Support)




NPIT5 (Non-professional Interpreting and Translation)


TISP7 (International Public Service Interpreting and Translation Conference)



Angelelli, Claudia

Cox, Antoon

Lázaro Gutiérrez, Raquel

Meyer, Bernd

Schouten, Barbara

Tiselius, Elisabeth

Vermeiren, Hildegard








FITISPos International Journal:

new revision


No members available.