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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

11th EST Congress: The Changing Faces of Translation and Interpreting Studies

The profile of the modern translator and interpreter

Event description

The ever-changing landscape of the translation and interpreting industry and academic research has led in the past 10 years to translation taking place in different places, platforms and modalities. It has also led to a shift in the profile of the modern translator and interpreter, who are now expected to work in different domains, with different tools, and according to different workflows. Academic research in translation and interpreting studies has also taken on different faces with a multiplication of different areas, tools, methodologies. This has strengthened our understanding of translation and interpreting phenomena in all their complexity, but this has also caused a proliferation of discourses about translation and interpreting that do not always coincide or align with those of the industry. 

In this Congress we aim to take stock of these different faces and discourses by sharing different needs and expectations, contrasting conceptual understandings of what translation and interpreting are, and reflecting on potential roles and opportunities for collaboration. The Congress will offer a fruitful forum for dialogue and collaboration between academics from different areas as well as stakeholders from across the industry. 

Call for Papers: The deadline for proposals is 26 July 2024. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by late-October/early-November.

Practical Information

Monday, 30 June 2025


