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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Interpreting as Emotional Labor, Webinar

Exploring the Social Carpet of Conference and Broadcast Interpreting with Dr. Ozum Arzik-Erzurumlu

Event description

By drawing upon both existing research and personal experiences in interpreting speeches by US Presidents such as Joe Biden and Donald Trump for several broadcasting institutions, Ozum Arzık-Erzurumlu will illustrate how interpreters develop attachments to the speakers and situations they interpret. 

She will also discuss the challenges interpreters face when dealing with traumatic news and events, such as the Ukrainian-Russian war, and the resources available to them in such situations. 

The presentation aims to illuminate how interpreters struggle to maintain neutrality, often masking their own emotions, which is closely tied to the concept of emotional labor. 

Additionally, the speaker will examine how this emphasis on neutrality can obscure the human aspect of the interpreter's role. 

By advocating for a more transparent recognition of the emotional labor involved in broadcast and conference interpreting and emphasizing the interpreter's agency, the speaker will argue for greater acknowledgment of interpreters.

Date and time of the webinar: October 5, 2024, Saturday 10 AM US Pacific time/1 PM US Eastern Time/7 PM EU Central Time.


Practical Information

Saturday, 5 October 2024

