19 April 2022One year at SCIC Interview with Ms Genoveva Ruiz Calavera, Director General of DG SCIC (Directorate-General for Interpretation), European Commission
12 April 2022English-Ukrainian pictograms for students and teachers This practical booklet, using pictograms, can help Ukrainian and English speakers overcome the first communication barriers
11 April 2022The European Union and one of its core values: multilingualism European citizens are free to address any EU body or institution in their mother tongue
11 April 2022European Course in Conference Interpreting Faculty of Arts in Bratislava in cooperation with the EU
08 April 2022Should English be the lingua franca of science? Scientific research getting lost in (non-)translation because of a language barrier
29 March 2022A crash course in interpreting for people wanting to help Ukrainian refugees Volunteers are trained as interpreters