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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Cultural Conflict and Dissonance in Translation and Interpreting

The 23rd ITRI International Conference

Event description

The Interpreting and Translation Research Institute (ITRI) at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Korea is pleased to invite you to the 23rd ITRI International Conference. This conference, scheduled to be held virtually on January 12, 2024, will explore the theme of “Cultural Conflict and Dissonance in Translation and Interpreting.”

Throughout history, translators and interpreters have been key facilitators of intercultural dialogue. While technological advancements have broadened the scope of global exchange, challenges arising from deep-rooted cultural differences persist. In these situations, translators and interpreters facilitate and influence the exchange as autonomous cultural mediators, rarely with any other means for resolution than their very own. These difficult situations open up discussions and shed light on their roles, positions, and ethics as well as the policies concerning translation and interpreting, with practical implications for the training of future translators and interpreters.

Practical Information

Friday, 12 January 2024

