Is sharing of languages the key to a more inclusive society? - Argus Courier
Is sharing of languages the key to a more inclusive society? - Argus Courier
First joint visit of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot linguists to Brussels
A different person depending on the language - Swissinfo.ch
An interview with Lidiia Bocharova
Special edition on the occasion of the European Day of Languages & the European Year of Skills
The state’s Interpreting and Translating Centre’s (ITC) is officially headhunting skilled bilingual professionals - Neos Kosmos
Remember Joseph speaking to his brothers through an interpreter? - Language on the Move
for the EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine
As productions increasingly include characters and perspectives from a variety of backgrounds, deaf and hearing people who translate the shows for deaf audiences are trying to keep up - NY Times
Language experience could also influence how people see their current environment - English.aawsat.com