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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Language Data Space Call for Tenders is out!

17 August 2022
Deadline for submission is Thursday 22 September 2022 at 16.00 CEST

Shaping Europe’s digital future

The Language Data Space is a platform and a marketplace for the collection, creation, sharing and re-use of multilingual and multimodal language data.

Under the DIGITAL Work Programme 2021-2022, a call for tenders has been launched for a ‘Common European Language Data Space (LDS)’. The LDS will give participants the opportunity to monetise their language resources—be it data, tools, services or models—by offering a single platform where they can actively exchange language data in full respect of EU values and compliance with EU rules (e.g., personal data protection, consumer protection legislation and competition law, etc.). This will in turn make the necessary data available, both in terms of quality and quantity, to support the creation and deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) and other AI-based language technology services for a range of businesses.

The deadline for submission is Thursday 22 September 2022 at 16.00 CEST

For more information: Language Data Space Call for Tenders | Shaping Europe’s digital future (