First joint visit of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot linguists to Brussels

As part of the EU aid programme for the Turkish Cypriot community, managed and implemented by DG REFORM (Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support, European Commission), the first joint visit of a group of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot translators and interpreters to Brussels took place from the 9th to the 13th of October.
The aim was to bring Cypriot language professionals closer to EU translation and interpretation standards, while encouraging collaboration between the two communities in Cyprus.
To bring language professionals of both communities together, DG REFORM facilitated the recent formation of the bi-communal Association of Translators and Interpreters in Cyprus (ATIC). Most of the participants in the study visit are founding members.

The linguists took part in meetings and practical discussions with the relevant services of the European Commission and the European Parliament. Over the course of almost a week, they learned first-hand what it means to translate and interpret in the multilingual environment of the EU institutions.
At the European Commission, DG SCIC staff gave presentations on how interpretation units work and what is required to become an accredited interpreter. A highlight for the Cypriot linguists was observing the live interpretation given during the Commission press conference and being able to speak to the interpreters for Greek and English afterwards. After giving an overview of how translation is done at the Commission from start to finish, DGT translators demonstrated their tools in a hands-on presentation. They also showed how DGT is embracing the latest developments in AI.
The passion for languages was tangible as the Cypriot visitors discussed the ins and outs of their professions. As a souvenir from Brussels, our guests from Cyprus will bring back a wealth of knowledge to continue building language bridges at home.