Heidelberg HeiCiC research corpus - a CAI test bed
Computer assisted interpreting has been at the core of academic endeavour in Heidelberg ever since one of the first booth friendly terminology tools was developed here in the early days of the discipline. Many of our...
Computer assisted interpreting has been at the core of academic endeavour in Heidelberg ever since one of the first booth friendly terminology tools was developed here in the early days of the discipline. Many of our research findings are now commonplace: Today, using a computer to prepare and look up terminology has become a matter of course for many colleagues in the modern booth and there is a host of suitable applications. To critically evaluate which tools can map and automate sections of our digital workflow, the Heidelberg Conference "ShowCase Dolmetschwissenschaft Live - ein ganzer Tag Fachkongress" format was designed in 2015 as a test bed for CAI: Documentation of a multitude of structured workflows in all eight floor languages is central to this technical conference with all the trappings of a modern, professional setting. Seasoned interpreters work together with young professionals and students to cover the real-life conference part, but also computer based preparation techniques. The recordings of all Heidelberg Conferences (Engineering, Medical, Law, Finance, synthetic Biology etc.) have been transcribed by our research team assisted by the latest speech recognition tools, aligned and labour-intensively annotated by student researchers to establish reliable, evidence-based correlations between the use of certain tools and preparation methods with features observed in both process and product. Now that the ShowCase conference is entering its fifth year, the Heidelberg Conference Interpreting Corpus aggregates quite a decent cohort or interpreters, a typology of controlled settings and variables for empirical testing and the statistical significance of our findings afforded by an aggregation of several thousands of recordings. A set of postgraduate and Ph.D. research projects develop the different focus areas within the general CI-Workflow- and CAI research fields. For more information please refer to our project outline at www.HeiCiC.de.