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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

The interviews of the KCI

27 June 2023

An interview with Eimear Ní Bhroin

Agallamh le hEimear Ní Bhroin

Kci interview Eimear

For this second KCI interview, we have spoken to Eimear Ní Bhroin, the European Commission’s Language Affairs Officer based at the Representation in Ireland.

Do you want to learn more about employment opportunities for Irish speakers in the EU institutions? Take a look at this website.

Enjoy the interview!


Don dara agallamh seo ag an KCI, labhair muid le hEimear Ní Bhroin, atá ag obair mar Oifigeach Gnóthaí Teanga ag an gCoimisiún Eorpach, lonnaithe san Ionadaíocht in Éirinn.

Ar mhaith leat tuilleadh a fhoghlaim faoi dheiseanna fostaíochta do dhaoine le Gaeilge in institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh ? Féach an nasc seo.

Bain sult as an agallamh!

Video file