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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Course of Italian as C language for conference interpreters

Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna

Event description

Registration deadline has been extended until 20 April.

Please use the following link

The course is aimed at strengthening language skills in Italian of professional conference interpreters who wish to add Italian to their working languages.

At the end of the course participants should feel more comfortable in interpreting speeches from Italian into their own mother tongues in conditions close to their professional settings (private market, EU institutions etc.)

The course for a maximum of 13 participants will include:

  • Italian language, culture and institutions
  • Supervised interpretation practice on a variety of topical subjects
  • Cultural programme (optional)

The languages covered by the course trainers to provide feedback are: BCS, DE, EN, ES, FR, HR, NL, PL, PT, RU

Registration deadline: 10 April 2023 (or earlier if the minimum number of 13 participants is reached)


Please contact:

Mariachiara Russo

Coordinator of MA in Interpreting Department of Interpreting and Translation

University of Bologna at Forlì Campus



Practical Information

Monday, 15 May to Saturday, 20 May 2023

