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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Dive into Open Data Maturity

22 January 2024

Discover insights from the 2023 report!

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The importance of data availability and data quality cannot be emphasised enough. The European Union acknowledges the value of data and has been supporting a number of initiatives devoted to collecting and sharing data. One of the most recent projects is the 'Common European Language Data Space' (LDS), launched in January 2023. is the official portal for European data, and it is there that you can now explore the dynamic landscape of European open data with the 2023 Open Data Maturity Report published by the Publications Office of the EU. The report provides an annual assessment of the level of open data maturity across 35 European countries, brought to you by It focuses on four indicators: 'Policy', looking at countries' open data policies and strategies; 'Impact', monitoring and measuring open data reuse and its impact; 'Portal', assessing national portal features that enhance accessibility and support interaction within the open data community; and 'Quality', focusing on mechanisms that ensure the quality of (meta)data. Read about the advancements in the provision of high-value datasets, with geospatial and statistics leading the charge, and discover new trends and challenges.

Overall, EU-27 Member States have raised their average open data maturity to 83%, with standout performances from Slovakia and Latvia. Among the countries of the European Free Trade Association, Iceland has marked the steepest progress, while among the candidate countries, the most significant year-on-year increase in overall score has been achieved by Montenegro.

Access the full report now for a deeper understanding of open data maturity! 

For more information about public access to European Language Data, you can take a look at this overview.