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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Elena Zagar Galvão

About me


I am freelance interpreter, teacher and researcher and I would like to become a good interpreter trainer. I teach general and specialised translation at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Portugal, to both undergraduate and graduate students.Next academic year we'll be offering a one-year post-graduate course in Conference Interpreting, which I help set up. It's been a wonderful challenge. My research interests are multimodality in simultaneous interpreting, with special focus on the relation between gesture and speech in the booth (the topic of my PhD dissertation); media interpreting in Portugal; audiovisual translation; and translation teaching. I have been a member of AIIC since 2008 and I am also a member of the Associação Portuguesa de Intérpretes de Conferência (APIC). I am originally from Trieste, Italy, where I did my undergraduate degree at the Scuola Superiore de Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori. I settled in Portugal more than thirty years ago after a couple of years in the States.


Interpreter trainer
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal
Picture of Elena Zagar Galvão
Elena Zagar Galvão

KCI Collaborative Spaces