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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Translating & Interpreting the Future

Empowering Professionals to Innovate and Thrive

Event description

Join your ATA colleagues for an educational and energizing look into how MT and AI are shaping our professions… and how we can leverage these advancements in our work as language professionals.

This ATA virtual conference will feature presentations from 4 industry- and thought-leading presenters who will share their experience, knowledge and insight into the present landscape, and future horizons for translation and interpreting.

The day will conclude with a Virtual Town Hall on MT, MTPE, AI and HT. Share your experience and hear how your ATA colleagues are leveraging technological advances, innovating, and thriving!

The virtual conference sessions will be recorded, and attendees will have access to recordings via the ATA website. Attendees can engage colleagues in the Virtual Conference “Lobby” and in networking sessions before the conference and “Happy Hour Networking” at the end of the day. Additionally, there will be a lunch break networking and Software/Tools Support hour in the middle of the day. Grab some lunch or a snack and meet colleagues from around the world in the networking lounge. Or learn about some of our technology sponsors and how they can enhance your workflow and productivity.

ATA-certified translators may earn up to a maximum of 5 CEPs.

Practical Information

Saturday, 20 May 2023

