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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Third Plenary Meeting of the Conference on the Future of Europe 21-22 January 2022

4 February 2022
On 21-22 January 2022, the third Plenary meeting of the Conference on the Future of Europe was held in Strasbourg, France

The Plenary took stock of the 90 recommendations by the Panels on ‘European democracy / Values and rights, rule of law, security' and ‘Climate change, environment / Health', and of related recommendations from French, Dutch, Belgian and German national Citizens' Panels.
The meeting was co-chaired by Ms Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the Commission, Mr Guy Verhofstadt, MEP and Mr Clément Beaune, State Secretary for EU Affairs for the French Council Presidency. The Opening of the Plenary included a tribute to the late European Parliament President, David Sassoli with three Co-Chairs recalling his legacy and the commitment to EU democracy, including the Conference of the Future of Europe. Four thematic debates followed. The Plenary was concluded by interventions from other stakeholders.
Citizens’ recommendations were at the centre of the debate, giving citizens various opportunities to intervene and to express a wide spectrum of views resulting from the various components of the Conference.
To discover more about the Conference Plenaries, the European Citizens’ Panels, all the related documents and contents, and in particular to know how you can join the debates and get involved, have a look at the dedicated websites:

Conference on the Future of Europe

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