A primer
Dear group members, If you'd like a little primer on sign language and sign language interpretation, you can listen to these three podcast episodes about the topic (from the perspective of a spoken-language conference interpreter): Signs...
Dear group members, If you'd like a little primer on sign language and sign language interpretation, you can listen to these three podcast episodes about the topic (from the perspective of a spoken-language conference interpreter): Signs of the times I: The story of the BSL (Scotland) Bill - https://www.adrechsel.de/langfm/the-story-of-the-bsl-scotland-bill Sign of the times II: Ausflug nach Gehörlosistan mit Laura Schwengber - https://www.adrechsel.de/langfm/signs-of-the-time-ii Sign of the times III: Stéphan Barrère - https://www.adrechsel.de/langfm/signofthetimes-iii-stephan-barrere