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Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Working in mixed teams: sign and spoken language interpreters

Exchange best practices and experiences on how to work in a team of spoken and sign language interpreters.


Increasingly sign and spoken language interpreters work together in conferences and other multilingual settings. Although we are all interpreters, there are some elements in our work that spoken and sign language interpreters do differently. By sharing our views and needs on what we need we can create a better understanding and synergy and as a result come to a better joint quality interpretation. What do you need from your colleagues to perform your tasks well?


Dear group members, If you'd like a little primer on sign language and sign language interpretation, you can listen to these three podcast episodes about the topic (from the perspective of a spoken-language conference interpreter): Signs...

Dear group members, If you'd like a little primer on sign language and sign language interpretation, you can listen to these three podcast episodes about the topic (from the perspective of a spoken-language conference interpreter): Signs of the times I: The story of the BSL (Scotland) Bill - Sign of the times II: Ausflug nach Gehörlosistan mit Laura Schwengber - Sign of the times III: Stéphan Barrère -

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