On 17 June, the European Commission adopted a Communication describing the possible follow-up to the outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe.
The Communication, which bears the telling subtitle “Putting Vision into Concrete Action”, illustrates the principles on which this follow-up should be based and insists on the fact that citizens should be put at the heart of European democracy. It makes interesting reading. It should be read in conjunction with its annex, which sets out a non-exhaustive list of legislation and other initiatives through which the Commission is delivering, or will deliver, on the proposals and measures resulting from the Conference and which fall within the Commission’s competence.
This is just a first step. A Conference feedback event will be organised in autumn 2022, allowing the three EU institutions to explain how they are following up and taking stock of progress at that stage of the process.
For more information and all relevant related documents, you can have a look at this page.