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Faculty of Arts in Bratislava in cooperation with the EU
Scientific research getting lost in (non-)translation because of a language barrier
Update on ongoing activities
In Ukrainian and Russian
Výzkumné granty GŘ pro tlumočení
Sovvenzioni SCIC disponibili per la ricerca
Avustukset tulkkausalan tutkimukseen
Επιχορηγήσεις SCIC που διατίθενται για την έρευνα
Granturi SCIC disponibile pentru cercetare
Subvenciones del SCIC disponibles para investigación
SCIC ĢD dotācijas pētniecībai
Безвъзмездни средства от SCIC за научни изследвания
Bespovratna sredstva SCIC-a dostupna za istraživanje
Granty GR SCIC na výskum